Author:Carlos Nupia

CAPAZ tiene sede en Bogotá pero trabaja en cooperación con universidades en Colombia y Alemania.

Call for selection of Academic Collaborator

With funding from the German Federal Foreign Office, the German-Colombian Peace Institute (CAPAZ) and the Centre for the Study of Latin American Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure (CEDPAL) at the University of Göttingen will implement the project: “Stabilisation of Peace…

Juliana González Villamizar’s academic stay in Germany

Juliana González Villamizar, CAPAZ science collaborator and doctoral candidate at Justus Liebig University Giessen travelled to Germany in July 2019 to take part in different academic events and activities. Lecture at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt In the workshop on Memory and…

Juliette Vargas’ academic stay in Germany

In May 2019, the science collaborator for CAPAZ and CEDPAL (Centre for the Study of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure) at the University of Göttingen, Juliette Vargas participated in different academic events in Germany, related to her doctoral research under…

Gerechten Frieden predigen

Enns, Fernando. Gerechten Frieden predigen “… und richte unsere Füße auf den Weg des Friedens”. Leipzig: 2019, 180 p. “Fernando Enns gelingt es in seinen Predigten, die Tiefe der biblischen Texte intensiv auszuleuchten und sie gleichzeitig für aktuelle Fragen und…