“This is how you build peace! Experiences from the Territories”: A radio series of CAPAZ-supported project
From 3:00 to 4:30 p.m., every Friday from June 26 to August 14, 2020, you can listen to the episodes of the cycle entitled: “This is how you build peace! Experiences from the Territories”, on the regional educational experiences included in the 2019 CAPAZ-supported project, entitled: “Education for peace: systematisation of peace education experiences in municipalities with Territorial Training and Reincorporation Spaces (ETCR)” also involving the Freie Universität Berlin and Universidad de los Andes. The coordinator was the Universidad de los Andes researcher José Darío Herrera.
Each episode of the series will be broadcast during “Pensamiento vivo”, one of the content strips of the radio programme “Pluriverso narrativo” accessible through its Facebook Live or the website: https://www.pluriversonarrativo.com/pagina-del-artista
The regional educational experiences will be presented by the teachers who led them, in the following episodes:
Research and peacebuilding at school – June 26
Caldono, Cauca – July 3
Caquetá and Tolima – July 10
Arauca and Caqueta – July 17
Antioquia and Cesar – July 24
Cauca and Putumayo – July 31
Putumayo – August 7
Routes to continue (cycle closure) – August 14
Access the scheduling for the whole programme (.pdf, in Spanish)
The radio series is an initiative resulting from the measures taken in Colombia because of COVID-19 as a space in which the teachers who led the pedagogical experiences in different parts of Colombia can speak about their experiences, reaching a wider audience interested in research, critical thinking and pedagogical practices that contribute to peacebuilding in Colombia.
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)