Germany’s commitment to democracy in Colombia through CAPAZ
In an interview with the Deutsche Welle (DW) news portal, Germany’s Deputy Foreign Minister Niels Annen explained the importance of the collaboration between Germany and Chile, with a view to honouring the victims and creating a memorial and documentation centre for the events that occurred at Colonia Dignidad, a German settlement in southern Chile where atrocities against the humanity of its inhabitants took place. Annen points out that the focus should be on the victims and highlights Germany’s accompaniment, not only in Chile, but also in the promotion of democracy and equality in other Latin American countries. In the interview, the Deputy Minister highlights CAPAZ as Colombia’s experience in this regard.
Read the full interview (in Spanish)
Victoria Dannemann. “Colonia Dignidad es una prioridad para el gobierno alemán”. En: DW, publicado el 27.5.2021. Recuperado el 1.6.2021 de: [https://p.dw.com/p/3u3ZX]
(NW: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)