Interviews of Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos with German press

Interviews of Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos with German press

Cover of Ambos’ interview with the Göttinger Tageblatt

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Kai Ambos is a renowned German jurist and spokesperson for the University of Göttingen in the CAPAZ Consortium. Prof. Dr. Ambos recently gave two interviews to the online platform “” and the local newspaper “Göttinger Tageblatt”.

The peace process under Duque’s mandate

Prof. Dr. Ambos explained to “” his role as advisor to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) in Colombia and shared his impression on the future of peace in the mandate of President Iván Duque. Ambos also talked about the work of the CAPAZ Institute in Colombia.

“” is an information service of FAZIT Communication GmbH in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.

Interview with the newspaper “Göttinger Tageblatt”

Prof. Dr. Ambos gave an interview to the local newspaper in Göttingen, Germany, “Göttinger Tageblatt”. Prof. Dr. Ambos shared his opinion on the current political context in Colombia after the election of Iván Duque as the new Colombian president for 2018-2022. Ambos also shared the perception that Colombians have of the peace process between the government of former President Santos and the FARC guerrilla.

Read the full interview of Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos with the portal of June 28, 2018 (in Spanish).

Read the full interview of Prof. Dr. Kai Both with the local newspaper in Göttingen “Göttinger Tageblatt”, July 17, 2018 (in German).