Colombian universities

Founding Members
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

The Universidad Nacional de Colombia is an autonomous independent entity of superior education linked to the Ministry of National Education, with a special and defined regime as a National and Public University. Its goal is the development of professional education and investigation, which will be encouraged by the State allowing access to it and developing it on the same level as sciences and arts to achieve excellence.

Universidad Externado de Colombia

As an educational institution, the University Externado de Colombia is primary focused on teaching and research in the field of social studies. With its humanistic conception, life in every sense is valued and respected. The universities’ activities position it within a pluralistic philosophy. They are open towards all streams of thought but distanced to dogmatism. All religious beliefs and political attitudes are respected. The University Externado de Colombia beliefs that tolerance is the key to peace and progress. Students from all different regions of Colombia are welcomed, diversity is celebrated as an enrichment for the country itself and for the academic environment of the university.

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Founded by the Society of Jesus in 1623, it is a Catholic university, recognized by the Colombian government, which aims to serve the human community, especially Colombia, seeking to establish a more civilized, more cultured and more just society, inspired by Gospel values. Promotes comprehensive training of people, human values, development and transmission of science and culture, and contribute to the development, guidance, critical and constructive transformation of society.

Universidad de los Andes

The Universidad de los Andes was founded on November 16th, 1948 by a group of young men under the leadership of Mario Laserna Pinzón. It was the first private higher education institution in Colombia that was non- denominational and independent from traditional political parties, as well as from social or economic power groups.

Universidad del Rosario

Universidad del Rosario has a rich history of more than 360 years. Having been a crucial actor in our country, and continuously finding new ways to work on its development the Universidad del Rosario acknowledges its important role in Colombia.

Our University is proud of its tradition and looks forward to shape the future through our receptiveness, our culture of internationalization, our multilingual environment and our intercultural competence.

Our University is an institution for and of the students, who constantly learn from our international academic community and from their daily contact to research.

Associate Members

Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín – Antioquia)

Universidad de Caldas (Manizales – Caldas)

Universidad del Cauca (Popayán – Cauca)

Universidad de Ibagué (Ibagué – Tolima)

Universidad Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga – Santander)

Universidad de Medellín (Medellín – Antioquia)

Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla – Atlántico)

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín – Antioquia)

Universidad del Atlántico (Barranquilla – Atlántico)

Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (Bucaramanga – Santander)

Universidad Surcolombiana (Neiva – Huila)

Universidad Católica de Pereira (Pereira – Risaralda)

Universidad de la Amazonía (Florencia – Caquetá)

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Bogotá – Cundinamarca)

Universidad de los Llanos (Villavicencio – Meta)

Universidad Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Bogotá – Cundinamarca)

Universidad Libre (Bogotá – Cundinamarca)