Policy Brief

How can security sector reform contribute to the consolidation of Total Peace in Colombia? In this Policy Brief, researcher Alejandra del Pilar Ortiz-Ayala analyzes the relationship between transitional justice and the necessary transformations within state forces to ensure sustainable peace.…

The latest CAPAZ Policy Brief, written by Lorena Carrillo González, is titled “From Infantilization to Political Agency: Another Perspective to Prevent Recruitment”. Lorena Carrillo is a sociologist, specialist in Human Rights and IHL. She holds a master’s degree in rural…

We present a new Policy Brief published by the editorial project of the Colombo-German Institute for Peace – CAPAZ. It is called “Transitional justice as a driver of transformation in Colombia“. It was written by Paul Gready, José Antonio Gutiérrez…

The most recent Policy Brief published by the editorial project of the German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ is called «Fighting Corruption in the Security Sector for Sustainable Peace». It was written by the Working Group on Armed State Actors and…

The latest CAPAZ Policy Brief is entitled “Military and Police Criminal Justice Reform in Colombia”. Federico Andreu Guzmán, the author of the text, analyses the current military criminal jurisdiction and makes recommendations on the reform needed to guarantee human rights…