The gender perspective and Afro experiences in episodes 2 and 3 of Nodo Alemania’s “Voices in exile” podcast
- In the second episode of this season, Lizethe Alvarez Echeverry, coordinator of Nodo Dinamarca, and Angela Maria Botero, PhD in human sciences and social anthropology, reflect on the importance of making concrete proposals to further the recognition of the life stories of exiled women, assuming that these processes of searching for the truth, recover identities, heal bodies, and recognize individual and collective experiences.
Listen to Episode 2 on Spotify:
- In the third episode, July Cassiani talks with Albeiro Moya, who has been in Berlin for over two years and Yamileth Cuero, a woman in exile in Norway, about living in exile as Afro-Colombians, Palenqueros, and Raizales; the reasons that lead Colombians to live abroad; and how to continue building peace from exile.
Listen to Episode 3 on Spotify:
Listen to all the episodes on Anchor
Music by: http://www.setuniman.com/
Find out more on the German Group’s (nodoalemania_cev20) and on the European groups’ (https://comisionverdadcol-eu.org) Instagram accounts.